Thursday, November 24, 2011

Making Goodies for Thanksgiving Dinner

Centerpiece Finished!

Keeping busy while Mama and Aunt Candi cook
Thanksgiving Dinner

Cousin Randy seemed to enjoy it too.

Have to laughter along with the fun. To make this
turkey centerpiece you just have to get some wooden
skewers that you can find at the grocery store. To make
the turkey, you use honey due melon for the body and
add red, orange, and yellow peppers cut up into strips along
the sides. The front is made with 1/2 pear and a pepper strip
down the center. They eyes are just raisins. To finish off the
feathers we added grapes and cheese squares.

Showing off our oreo turkeys.
Mommy really gets alot of fun
ideas off the internet. This one
came off of

First you separate the two oreas very carefully.
Then you add icing we used a container (was a little messy)
and dab some on the top of the oreo then put it back together.
You use candy corns as the feathers around the sides and top.
For the belly we added a miniture Reese's Cup and drew claw
feet on with blue icing. For the hat we usded anther Reese's
Cup upside down and then dabbed a little icing in between that
and a Rolo candy. Add Marshmellows for the eyes and a candy
corn for the face and you're done. :0)

Randy's Turkey

My turkey

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