Well since mama didn't think to buy
a fake palm tree during the Spring/Summer
months they are in the stores we had
to figure out something else. She trys
to be creative sometimes........

So we had daddy draw the leaves and
cut them out to make the palm tree.
Then we taped it to the mirror on the
wall at the resort.

Mama brought some round ornaments
that she had me color and we taped
them to the tree.

We made a few ornaments from home
to cut down on time since check in at the
hotel was at 3 pm and we had been in
Downtown Disney all day as well. Plus
we still had baking to do for Santa and
his reindeer.

So we did flip flop ornaments, pipe cleaner
palm trees for the banister, and some gingerbread
men and palm tree ornaments as well. We made
a few candy canes beach style as well with pipe
cleaners. We tried to blend it into the theme
as much as possible.

Family Photo time by the Christmas Tree.
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