I got in touble b/c I kept saying that Santa
didn't bring me the Ariel Costume that I wanted
but I got alot of other costumes..........
Grandma trying on my wig
Reading me my letter from Elf Tillie

I got in a little trouble this year. :( I was acting
really spoiled and didn't appreciate anything I got
this whole trip. Mama and Daddy said that I will
no longer get anything throughout the year except
on Valentine's Day, Easter, Christmas and my B-day!
When I saw everything santa had brought me instead
of being really excited the only thing I said was he
didn't bring me my Ariel costume, Justin Bieber Cd,
and American Girl Doll. Hope next year santa will
remember what I wanted this year since I won't be
getting anything until the next holiday!

Tillie left me a good-bye present.

My Justine Bieber CD!!

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